YxYY Fast Approaches! Here's all you need to know...
In just a few short weeks, the thinkers, futurists, nerds & weirdos of the world will feel compelled to coalesce upon the sunny shores of the Ace Hotel, brains simmering with ideas to share, norms to challenge, and collaborations to conjure. We hear the digital conch trumpet our names and we come!
We are piqued by the peeks you've given into the games, projects, and general shenanigans brewing for us all. If you'd like to share or collaborate, head to our Hackpad. And thank you! (Just remember to keep it unscheduled.)
Speaking of schedules... need specifics like when to arrive & depart? Our FAQ has answers to that and many more.
The Ace is sold out, but there are loads of lovely accommodations nearby. And please consider room and ride sharing. It is so very YES.
Say Yes to Volunteering
Help us out at the event, meet new Yessers, and receive our eternal gratitude.
Space to Contain the Greatness
We've created a couple of pages on the Hackpad wiki for you to begin listing your sessions and projects. If you need to reserve space for your greatness, please email amy@yxyy.us.
The Roaring 2020's
This year's prom will be inspired by the science fiction of yesteryear. Think Metropolis, Jules Verne, Gatsby, Bauhaus and extrapolate accordingly.
Calling all DJs - Find your place at the turntables!
Ticket/Hotel Transfers
Our FAQ will give you all you need to know! If you transfer a ticket, please don't forget to edit the attendee info so we have their correct t-shirt size, email, etc. (Visit Eventbrite > My Tickets > Manage Order > Edit)
Yes Sponsors!
We are so proud of the sponsors who have generously given to make your YxYY experience a stellar one. In working with each, we are struck by how well they understand the purpose and importance of this event. They also are gifting their creativity with some Yes-filled experiences up their sleeves for you.