Fellow Yaysayers, "Help Me, Help You"!

We know you love cool swag, free food and drinks! Each year, we reach out to a few partner companies who grok what YxYY is all about to help us bring the Yes! Our partners believe the world needs more space for creativity, inspiration and innovation.

We know we have amazing folks working in cool companies, including many super smart marketing, event, bizdev and developer relations folks. We welcome your creative ideas and connections! The sooner we find the right partners, the more creative we can be designing a weekend full of YES. Keep in mind we are a relatively small event so it is all about the right contacts in the right group.


  • Who do you think would make the perfect YxYY partner? Do you have a contact there, and can you connect us?
  • What about your company? We have learned that the best partners are often companies that have Yaysayers in their midst. You all do the best job of advocating for the awesomeness that is YxYY!
  • Do you know anyone at the following companies? We think they could be a great fit if we can find the right contact. [GoPro, FitBiy, AirBnB, Misfit, Pivotal, Slack, Intel, Amazon, Google, Etsy, Pinterest]

As events go we are ridiculously high value for the cost of participation. Our top level sponsorship is priced at the entry point for your typical business conference. We have both in-kind and cash sponsors; but for now our priority is cash sponsors since it lets us create unique experiences. Though we absolutely welcome any connection that wants to add to the Yes!

Send all connections and intros to me at partners@yxyy.us or if you prefer have them fill in our contact form on the site!

The new Partner section of the website is a great reference, specifically the Partner FAQ, which can be helpful to explain how YxYY partnership is about co-creation, not plastering logos everywhere.

Image courtesy of Carlos Pacheco
