Who attends:

Over 400 Influential entrepreneurs, thought leaders, writers, and makers from across media, design, technology and entertainment communities.

"Yaysayers" are doers. They are busy making the companies, products, art and movements you will be talking about tomorrow!

  • Futurists: Forward thinking, cutting edge makers, designers and authors and speakers.
  • Thinkers and Thought leaders: Voracious consumers of—and generators of—ideas and information.
  • Creatives: Creative thinkers across all fields. Eager to discuss their creative pursuits and the concepts behind them.
  • Influencers: Highly networked and engaged both online and offline.
  • Nerds and geeks: People comfortable with & excited about their own obsessive interest in their specialized corner of the world.


  • 48% Male / 52% Female
  • 60% West coast  | 20% East coast  |  10% Midwest/southern states  | 10% International
  • Ages 10 - 70 [seriously!].  Median Age = 35


  • 25% have founded (or co-founded) a company or non-profit organization
  • 15% are published authors/journalists
  • 20% of registered attendees have over 10k followers on Twitter or Instagram and 5% have over 50K followers.
  • Over 800 photos are tagged #YxYY and posted to Instagram during the 2-day event 
  • Over 50% are repeat attendees


ABC.com, Adobe, AirBnB, AKQA, Autodesk, BBC America, Beats Music, Benefit Cosmetics, BitTorrent, BlogHer, Charles Schwab, CivicInsight, CollectiveHealth, Creative District, Ebay, Emotiv, Esri Portland R&D Center, Facebook, Flipboard, Fordham University, Gap, GoDaddy, Google, Google Ventures, Hong Kong University, IDEO, Instagram, Intel, LA Times, Livestrong, lynda.com, Magnetism Studios , Maker Media, Misfit Wearables, MIT, Mozilla, MSL Group /Publicis, Neo, New York Public Library, Nextbit, Petit Couture, Photojojo, Salesforce, Samsung, Shopify, Slack Stealthmode Partners, Synapps Media, Techcrunch, Temple Street, Tumblr, Twitter, UP Global, US Government, Vision Critical , Wikia, YouTube. 


Jessica, age 28

Professional Photographer
Followers on Instagram: 234,000
Jessica recently decided to shift her career path away from technology to pursue her passion for photography full-time. She is now a Tinker*Mobile top influencer in the mobile photography community.

Amit, age 32

Founder, Photojojo
Followers on Twitter: 37,800

Amit worked with Seth Godin to start ChangeThis, brought BarCamp to NYC, started a co-op called House 2.0, contributed to a WSJ best-seller with Malcolm Gladwell, Guy Kawasaki and others. He enjoys camping.

Ryan, Age 33

Software developer & aspiring chef
Followers on Twitter: 247,000

An early bird at Twitter and part of the SxSW speaking circuit, now taking time to consult for tech start-ups, cure and smoke his own bacon, ski, perfect bartending, and jaunt through Europe with his wife.


Founder, Wikitravel
Chair, W3C working group
Evan is an American software developer living in Montreal. A former employee of Microsoft and RSA, he is the founder of Wikitravel, StatusNet and fuzzy.io and founding CTO of Breather. He is the chair of the W3C working group on social networking standards. He has a tattoo of of Spock on his right bicep. 


Deanna, AGE 39

Co-Founder, Lux Digital
Author, Share This!
Followers on Twitter: 9,000 followers
Deanna is a media technologist, author and advocate who works with the Ford Foundation, Skoll Foundation, the International Planned Parenthood and more. She appears on MSNBC, CNN International, and NPR's All Things Considered. She sits on the boards of Social Media Week, Women Action & the Media, and Race Forward.

Brian, AGE 41

Managing Director, Mithril Capital
Former Advisor to White House
Brian's career has been a mix of technology start-up, public policy, and non-profit tech leadership. Brian is on the Boards of Mozilla Foundation, Electronic Frontier Foundation, and Benetech.  He was CTO at the World Economic Forum, served for two years at the White House as advisor to the the Office of Science and Technology Policy.  Before that he has founded two tech companies and several Open Source software projects.